We Are Content

By Trish Rubin

Slowly, the gardens are being prepared for their winter rest. They gave us so much this growing season and now it’s time to settle in for the long winter’s respite.

These pictures, mostly, are of my section of the garden with the broccoli and cabbage from John’s. We have slightly different gardening techinques so this arrangement suits our individual approaches.

Bees are still working the cosmos and aztec marigolds.

100 cloves of garlic were planted today using our own compost and county compost for optimum fertility.

The Swiss chard continues to be amazing while some roses are still in bloom.

After all of my gardening efforts, I sat for a while on the viewing bench looking for the elusive Nelson sparrow that both John and I saw on Tuesday.

As the day was dawning, a common loon was diving in the bay while goldeneyes and Canada geese paddled about – – –

We are content.

Nelson's Sparrow
Common Loon
Goldeneye Duck

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