Laura Hamilton Whitman and Sandy Lockerby: Quiltmakers

Laura and Sandy from Tatamagouche have been making quilts for many, many years and are members of the Sunrise Quilt Guild which covers the North Shore of Nova Scotia.

The Guild was founded in 1999 and continues to meet regularly to this day.

In 2008 Tatamagouche took part in the Communities in Bloom competition. 

The vision of this organization, which is still going strong, is:

To inspire all communities to enhance the quality of life and our environment through people and plants in order to create community pride.

The quilters decided to have a go at supporting the competition.  They chose the sunflower as their theme, got their imaginations going, rolled up their sleeves and set to.

The quilts made by Laura and Sandy were just two of many produced by members of the Guild to support the village in the challenge.

Everyone’s industry paid off, because the village as a whole won “5 Blooms” – the highest possible award!!!

All the sunflower quilts submitted for this show appeared at the Fraser Cultural Centre in Tatamagouche.  A glorious sight to see, we are told.

Sandy’s Quilt

Laura’s Quilt

2 Responses

  1. Those are great quilts. I am a new-ish member of Sunrise Quilt Guild, so I had never heard about this project. It sounds wonderful.
    My parents who both passed away this summer, were judges for Tidy Towns( Newfoundland’s version of Communities in Bloom). They always loved going to small towns and seeing what the people there were doing in their communities. I never heard them mention quilts but there must have been! They retired from this volunteer work when my Dad could not hike the trails every community had and were very proud of.

  2. Both are lovely and Laura’s quilt probably worthy of a prize in itself! My Mother-in-law, Cecily, used to quilt until arthritis in her hands precluded such activities. She would have enjoyed the ‘blooming quilters’!

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