We have so many wonderful writers and poets on the North Shore,
that we wanted to have a page where they can present any work on the subject of gardening.
Short stories for children? Poems on gladioli or peas?
Essays like the one below? A descriptive narrative?
How wonderful would that be? Please send us your submissions or ideas.

We Are Content
By Trish Rubin Slowly, the gardens are being prepared for their winter rest. They gave us so much this growing season and now it’s time to

The Roots of Sisterhood
by Jennifer Langille Every now and then, a book comes along that sweeps you off your feet and stirs something deep in you. About a

Petrichor: Euphoria in the Garden
By Jennifer Langille with Elizabeth Spence Jennifer writes: It was a fresh July evening, and I was on my kneeling pad, weeding the vegetable garden.

My Grandma’s Yard
by Michelle Robinson Our back yard won’t win prizes. It could really use a fix. In winter we don’t notice when the snow piles up

A Potted History of Gardening
A Potted History of Gardening: Back to Nature by Elizabeth Spence We have been making gardens in one form or another for thousands and thousands