Six Easy Flowers to Grow from Seed

By Elizabeth Spence I suppose the easiest way to plant a flower bed is to buy the plants from a garden centre and pop them in the ground. But think what you’re missing if you don’t sow the seeds directly in the ground yourself:  the joy and thrill of seeing those little shoots emerging from […]

Make Your Own Seed Tape

Pip Strachan, one of our subscribers asks: “Has anyone tried making a flour paste as a glue and setting the seeds in a row with that on paper instead of the dollar store glued ones?” Answer by Elizabeth: Yes! Use toilet tissue as the paper, make a flour glue (1/2 flour, 1/2 water), pick up seed with tweezers, […]

Melon Support

I recently spoke to a lady I’d never met before and we got talking about gardening. She said she had a great way of supporting her melons, so she sent me evidence:    Yes – it’s old bras.

Waugh’s River Gardens’ Slug Trap

Guaranteed to Work! Put together water molasses a bit of yeast. Once it is bubbly, we put it in shallow bowls tucked into the soil. The slugs love it! 

Labels or Tags for Plants

Labels or Tags for Plants Elizabeth says: “Whenever I’m at a junk shop or yard sale I keep my eyes open for mini venetian blinds. I then cut them up and use them as labels for plants.  I try to find ones which have at least one side that is not too shiny.  That way, […]

Seed Sowing Tips

Seed Sowing Tips David Flint says: “If you want to sow very small seeds individually, pick each one up up with a damp toothpick.  Just touch the toothpick to a seed, it will stick to the toothpick and you can then place it in your soil block, cell or pot by pushing it off  with […]

Raised Beds

Raised Bed Backyard Diva says:  “Use a pallet as a garden bed – staple garden cloth on the backside of the pallet, fill with dirt and start growing!” Very ingenious!!  An instant raised bed!! Courtesy Backyard Diva

Managing Seedlings

Managing Seedlings Jennifer says: When thinning delicate seedlings, use small scissors to snip off the extra seedlings at soil level. The remaining roots simply dissolve under the soil. This is much less disruptive to the roots of the remaining seedlings


Courtesy Shirley Kresge: What a great way to  carry your tools around the garden: An old golf cart!!

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